What will happen in 2017? Whether you prefer to call them cybersecurity forecasts, online risk trends or security predictions, the answers are similar. Here’s a roundup of what our top industry experts, security companies and tech magazines are saying about the year ahead — and what you can do to prepare.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet!”

 That’s the collective view from global cyberexperts as they describe the coming year of new data breaches and technology disruption that will impact every area of life.

 As we exit 2016, a year in which hackers stole the show for a variety of causes, cybersecurity has risen to the top of the international priority list in areas ranging from politics to national defense and from smart homes to our global economic system. With new drones, artificial intelligence, social media websites, robots, autonomous cars, smart city infrastructure, and a plethora of Internet of Things (IoT) devices coming onto the market daily, how can we prepare for next-generation cyberattacks?

 At the beginning of this year, I answered the question: Why more security predictions and how can you benefit? At the end of that article, I told readers to expect even more security predictions as we head into 2017. That has turned out to be true — with a twist.

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